Your @Market App login is the same as the email you used to register for Market. To reset your password, you will need access to the email you registered with.
- From the initial screen tap Sign In and then Forgot Your Password beneath the password box.
- Enter your registered email address and click Send Verification Code. You will receive an email from Microsoft on behalf of @Market Online that includes your verification code.
- Back in the @Market App, enter the code in the required field and tap Verify Code. You will receive an "Email Address verified. You can now continue." message...tap Continue.
- Enter your new password, confirm that new password and then tap Continue.
🎉 You will be reverted back to home screen and are now signed in successfully and ready to use @Market app.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Q. What are the password requirements for the @Market App?
A. The password requirements for the @Market App are as follows:
- Minimum 8 characters length
- Mix of lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols
- Maximum 16 characters in length
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