Note: if you need to order technology services like telephone or internet, please see this article.
There is a new system in place for Temporaries ordering services for their booth after their space has been assigned, called A2Z. It requires a unique password to login.
1. After logging into your Exhibitor portal, go to "Registrations & Services" and choose "Atlanta | Electrical & Lighting Services".
2. Click the appropriate market link to access the A2Z login page.
3. On the next screen, click Order Services and enter your A2Z password.
Note: If you do not know your A2Z password, click "retrieve" in the Forgot Your Password area to have it sent to you. If you don't see the email, check your Spam and JunkMail folders. You can also contact your Category Manager or enter a support ticket to to have us look it up for you.
4. Fill in the from, provide payment information, agree to the terms and conditions, and click Submit to finish.
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