If you are a Multi-line Agency/Exhibitor who subscribes to many different lines, you may have products showing from your vendors that you might not want displayed on your Market site page. The exhibitor portal Product Management feature will allow you to hide those products so that they do not display on your page.
Proceed with the steps below to hide all vendor products from your Market site page.
1. Log in to your Exhibitor Portal Account, here.
2. Click on the "Your Digital Showroom" menu at the top and then choose "Products".
3. On the Products page, click "Manage Product Assortment" next to the appropriate Market in the "Manage Product Assortment by Market" section of the page.
4. On the Product Assortment screen, click "Manage Products" next to Default.
Note: Typically, there is no need to manage products by a specific Market, but that functionality is available if needed. If you only want to modify products for a specific Market, click the "Manage Products" link next to that specific Market.
5. Manual Process: On the Product Assortment Page, you can manually select products to be hidden by clicking the boxes next to the product and then clicking the "Exclude" link at the top of the page. Click "Select All" to select all products on the page. Repeat this process to hide all of the products. Products already excluded show a "X Excluded" banner over the product image.
This is a good method to use if you are only showing a small number of products. (Note: For larger sets of products, see the Manage by List Upload process below.)
6. Manage by List Upload Process: On the Product Assortment page, click the "Manage by List Upload" button.
On the pop-up, click the "Download List" button. Once clicked, a file named Export_ProductEnrichment_xxxxx.csv (where xxxxx represents your lease ID number) is downloaded to your default download folder.
8. Once the download is complete, open the .csv in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet reader. In columns I, J and K, the 0 (zero) represents No (or not excluded) and 1 represents Yes (or excluded). Therefore, if you wanted to exclude all of the products on the sheet, you would change the 0s to 1s in the IsExcluded column (column I). Make any other changes to the file and then Save the spreadsheet.
9. The second step is to upload the product spreadsheet to your portal. Click the "Upload List" button and browse to your file location, select your file and click "Open".
10. Once the file is imported and processed (which can take hours if you have a large number of products to hide), the changes you made to your products will show. In my example, I set all of the products to be excluded in the spreadsheet. After uploading the modified list, I can see that all products have been excluded by looking at this line on my Products page showing "0 of 22 Products shown".
Have more questions? Email us at exhibitorportalsupport@andmore.com
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