From time to time, you may need to make changes to your site users information 📃, specifically their email/login for B2B Direct.
In this article, we'll go through the steps to update, keeping it short and sweet 🍧 so you can be on your way!
To get started, you'll need to open both the B2BDirect Admin Portal and WebManager.
Once you have WebManager open, follow the steps below.
- WebManager > Manage Data > Export Data > Other > Export B2B Site's Users
- Locate the customer # of the existing account you are needing to update on the exported Site Users template
- Delete all rows that are not being updated, for example, if you are updating one customer's information, delete all over customers from the file
- For the upload, we ONLY want the customer(s) that are being altered
- If you prefer, you can also use the Site Users template that is attached to this article below
- Update the existing email address for the site user, save the file accordingly
- Upload the data file via WebManager > Manage Data > Upload Data Sheets. In the data import dropdown box, scroll to the bottom and select Import Site Users under Website. Click "My Data Looks Good", then push data live
Ready to move on? Only 2-3 more steps to complete in the B2BDirect Admin Portal.
B2BDirect Admin Portal
Once you have completed the above steps within WebManager and pushed data live, continue with the steps for the B2BDirect Admin Portal below.
- Login to B2BDirect Admin Portal and then navigate to the Site Users tab
- Locate the Site User and revoke access to the user with the old email address
Want to speed up the login process for your customer? Reset the customer's password via the B2BDirect Admin Portal. Once your customer attempts to login with the new email address, the website will automatically prompt a reset password. You can proactively reset the password via the B2BDirect Admin Portal if you prefer to prevent the customer from having to wait for a reset password email and speed up their login process.
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