A favicon (favorite icon) is a tiny icon included along with a website, which is displayed in places like the browser's address bar, page tabs and bookmarks menu.
They are used to improve user experience and enforce brand consistency. When a familiar icon is seen in the browser's address bar, for example, it helps users know they are in the right place 1
Already have a favicon?
If you already have a favicon, upload the following files to the B2B Direct admin Asset Library under the theme-content directory
File Name | Size |
at least 70x70 |
180x180 |
32x32 |
16x16 |
How To Make & Upload A Favicon
1. Go to https://realfavicongenerator.net/
2. Submit an image (PNG, JPG, SVG...), at least 70x70. Your image should be 260x260 or more for optimal results.
3. Adjust the settings as needed.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Generate your Favicons and HTML Code.
5. Under HTML5, click Favicon package
6. Uncompress the folder
7. Rename android-chrome-144x144.png to favicon.png
8. Inside of B2B Direct admin, using the left navigation bar click Library
9. Upload the following files to "theme-content" directory
- favicon.png
- apple-touch-icon.png
- favicon-32x32.png
- favicon-16x16.png
1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Favicon
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