DataSynq has an export function which will allow you to download all of your products into a product template spreadsheet.
To export your product information, follow the steps below.
1. Login to
2. Click the "Your Digital Showroom" menu and choose DataSynq. You can also access DataSynq via Login with your Exhibitor Portal credentials.
3. Click the "Products" button on the left side of the screen and then select "Products".
4. On the Product Manager screen, click the "Actions" button at the top right of the screen and then select "Export Products".
5. An Excel spreadsheet is immediately downloaded to the default download folder on your device or computer.
The file name is:
your company name_xx-xx-xxxx_import_products.xlsx (where xx-xx-xxxx is the current date).
For example:
Marissas Mailboxes_8-30-2021_import_products.xlsx.
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