When you want to create discount codes for your specific customers you can do so by logging into B2B Direct Admin and following the instructions below.
(See Box #7 for Custom Messaging)
In the options of left side panel click on Settings.
Once the account settings page opens click on the Discount Code tab at the top right then Create Code.
Box 1. Create the code name, start/end date, whether you want the discount to be displayed as percentage or amount and if you are offering free shipping or not.
Box 2. Code may be used once or multiple times. If multiple selected you will be required to select the number of times allowed to be used.
Box 3. Set a minimum purchase amount if you like for the discount to be used.
Box 4. Assign the discount code to a specific customer. This can be assigned to one or multiple customers.
Box 5. Assign the discount to be used for single or multiple products.
Box 6. Assign the discount to be used for single or multiple categories.
Box 7. You can create and add a custom message here if you wish to. (100 Character Limit)
Once you have completed your code you can confirm your information is correct in the Summary box. If all looks correct tap on the Create Code button.
Now that the Discount Code has been created you will see 4 tabs along the top.
If it is currently useable you will see the code under the active tab. If it is scheduled to start at a future date you will see it under the scheduled tab. If it has expired under the expired tab and if it has been deleted under the deleted tab.
Now when the customer logs-in and goes to My Account and clicks on the Available Discounts they will see any codes that you have assigned them.
If they hover the cursor over the shadowed book icon they will be prompted that they can copy the code to be easily used by simply pasting when needed.
Once the code has been copied you will see the green Copied prompt appear shortly.
Reminder #1: If the discount is no longer active or valid (time has expired) or its first day of validity has not yet been reached, then it will not appear in the listing on the My Account page.
Reminder #2: These customer-specific discount codes are created as one-time or multiple use. So, again, what appears on the My Account page reflects the parameters of the discount code offering (See Pic Below)
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